Xbox One controller affecting multiple Places?

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Модератор: mercenary

Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: Вс ноя 08, 2020 1:01

Xbox One controller affecting multiple Places?

Сообщение veeshan28 » Вс ноя 08, 2020 1:06


I'm new to using Aster, and trying to play games with my wife side by side. Today I tried launching the game Spiritfarer to play with keyboard + mouse while she would use my Gen1 Xbox One controller (with USB receiver) to play Spyro Reignited on Steam. The problem is, Spiritfarer will switch from controller to KBM and back just by using a device, regardless of the settings.

I thought, since I set the controller's USB stick to place2, that'd take care of it, but it still seems to affect games on place1.

Appreciate any help!

Сообщения: 496
Зарегистрирован: Вт май 20, 2014 13:45

Re: Xbox One controller affecting multiple Places?

Сообщение Beast2040 » Пт ноя 13, 2020 20:37

Please contact technical support, for this, send a technical report from the ASTER program and describe the problem (or give a link to your post)


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